One of the goals set last year was going to Hawaii. It was actually #1 on my top ten list of goals, made during a chemo-session, sitting in an infusion chair with neighbor/friend NG. Physically traveling to Hawaii helped me realize a couple of goals this last December. The realization of this goal also knocked off numerous other goals I had set up the day of my infusion. It marked three months out of cancer-still remission free (goal #2), helped me remember the lesson ’ s learned (goal #3) without breaking down and placing blame upon myself or the world for the path I ’ d walked, allowed me to physically step into water (goal #5), and provided me with ample opportunities to meditate and write (goal #10). While there I went hiking (goal # 4), and found an overall balance in life (goal #9). The few goals I didn ’ t seem to meet last year were so trivial that I don ’ t even need to focus on them here, they too shall be met in there own time, at their own pace. This post h...
Follow this cancer journey and explore alternative methods in dealing with life's challenges. Stay tuned to how one reinvents what it means to "live."