Magical Mary By: Marine Yanikian-Sutton The King Arthur legend has captivated me since I was a wee tot. When my friend named her son “Arthur,” I named mine Elyas-one of Arthur’s knights. It wasn’t Gwenavere I wanted to be, it was Morgan le Fay. What was it about her that caught my attention? It could have been the long flowing hair, her enchanting approach to life, or even the way Hollywood made her glide over thin air, parting the veil. As an adult, I've come to realize that I am not Morgan and can never be Morgan, but I surely met one of her descendants during this last month. Magical Mary resides in Scotland and she weaves her captivating spells as surely as Morgan wove hers. Mary Mconnell of Star Therapies , a healer from Scotland, a gift from Liza Baker of Simply Health Coaching, entranced me a few weeks ago and in so doing, healed my soul. Before meeting her, my neuropathy controlled every minute. Pain in my hands and feet deterred...
Follow this cancer journey and explore alternative methods in dealing with life's challenges. Stay tuned to how one reinvents what it means to "live."